Mystery Circuits, LLC
By Mike Walters - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Moog Polymoog 280a
Moog Polymoog Keyboard 203a from 1979 with Poly-Pedals. This is the classic Gary Numan sound, and I heard he autographed this one after I repaired it! This Polymoog needed a lot of work. First, most of the preset voices sounded wrong... like square waves instead of Vox Humanas, etc. There were LOTS of LM358 opamps that needed replacing in the voicing circuits. Also, a lot of the black keys were mechanically clunky. I replaced all the bushings and felts, but they still clunked. The problem was the weights came unglued from those keys and needed to be reaffixed with epoxy.
There were some missing divisions, so I replaced a couple of the MM5823N's with modern clones from Flatkeys in the UK. Also, 3 Polycom chips needed replacement on the top 3 keys. I replaced a few OTAs for modulations on some presets, cleaned all the Cinch connectors and edge connectors. Recapped the power supply, and cleaned up the controls for the Poly-pedals.
Repaired 2021
Mike Walters
Custom Instruments
Repair Services